Friday, December 18, 2009

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

Evolution, the theory that life was changed through slight changes over long periods of time, also known as natural selection. This theory is the major life theory that is accepted in the world of science today. If you were to go into any high school biology class, evolution is what you would hear. This is because no other theory has been proven scientifically equal. This is despite the fact that there are many errors in evolution. There is a theory that addresses many of the issues that evolution cannot. The theory I am talking about is Intelligent Design.

While there are many different examples of where intelligent design can explain something evolution cant I am going to mention only my favorite one. When we look at information today: newspapers, magazines, and books, we know that something intelligent was behind it. You can't just look at a book and say it happened by random chance. Then why is it we can say it was random chance when we look at DNA which is our bodies personal information and is millions of times more complicated then a newspaper. I think that it would take far more faith for me to believe that DNA was random, then for me to believe in a creator.

If you feel this way as well it is time that we did something about it. We need to make changes to the education systems of America to allow both evolution and intelligent design taught in schools. We need to contact our senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold to make this happen. Write to them and tell them about how you feel it is unfair for you to learn only one side of theory in school.


  1. My god kid, do you know what you're saying?! The scientific community is wedded to Darwinism, a term that evolutionists detest, but somewhat along the lines of terming the ID hypothesis 'Intelligent Design Creationism'. That conflation of terms is of course a desperate attempt to stifle ID as a scientific pursuit, where the Darwinism conflation fits more appropriately, since natural selection of random mutations is rudimentary to the current evolutionary synthesis.

    You are correct that evolutionary processes as observed, and as postulated beyond observable evolutionary events does not measure up to biologic organization and complexity. Behe popularized the complexity concept (IC) in his writings, but it is not a new concept, dating to early Roman times (Plato, Socrates et al), and I would say to the beginnings of man's ability to reason. Interesting that given todays scientific understandings (DNA as you cited), it is met with such vitriolic resistance. Could it be that scientists today are being constrained by their community (academic and professional) to accept carte blanche a materialist position?

    In a blog I just commented at, Paul Burnett had commented, "Today the proponents of the religiously-inspited pseudoscience of intelligent design creationism are still doing everything they can to sabotage evolution, biology, geology, astronomy and all of science because science disagrees with their creation mythology. Returning to the Dark Ages of ignorance and scientific illiteracy is not a valid answer to the problems of the 21st century."

    My comments related to the changes you proposed, and that I as well have blogged on for ten years or so. Rather than ID being a threat to science, it's the other way around. Science today is agenda based, with its biased peer review and narrowly constrained funding requirements. Now mind you, I'm not proposing religion be taught, just that open inquiry within science needs to be just that; open, unbiased, and rational inquiry.

    If you choose a science career, and if you stick with ID as a concept, your will meet constant opposition and criticisms. Michael Behe is even reviled by close working associates, and by his very institution!. It's pure BS, even gut-wrenching. But I encourage you to stand up not just for 'reason', but for the opportunity and freedom to exercise it. Feel free to utilize gut wrenching not only with your hands, but with your intellect as well. Wrestling with an issue that evolved into a form of tyranny is sorely needed, and I encourage you to pursue it.

    Lee Bowman
    Beau Leeman

  2. The theory I am talking about is Intelligent Design.

    Intelligent design = magic = bullshit.

    You're only 18 so I'll forgive your ignorance, but I hope some day you will grow up and educate yourself.

    If you feel this way as well it is time that we did something about it. We need to make changes to the education systems of America to allow both evolution and intelligent design taught in schools.

    If you think you can force biology teachers to talk about your childish belief in intelligent design magic, you're fucking nuts.

    Oh, and Lee Bowman, like Jack Duerst you're an uneducated moron.

    If you choose a science career, and if you stick with ID as a concept, your will meet constant opposition and criticisms.

    Not to mention laughter, ridicule, and contempt. Real scientists do not invoke magic to solve scientific problems, and invoking intelligent design = invoking magic.

    The stupidity burns.

  3. Jack Duerst, don't be a sucker. Your Michael Behe knows he is full of shit and he laughs at people like you all the way to the bank.
